Ms. Human from Animal Press (動物出版社的人類小姐)

Having trouble fitting into society? Join us at Animal Publishing! Kick off your "inhuman" life as a office worker. Job description: drink orders, employee health exams, proofreading, and emergency tasks of all departments!


Having trouble fitting into society? Join us at Animal Publishing, where there are no human relationships at all! Instead, your co-worker is a giraffe, the editor-in-chief is a koala, the project manager is a squirrel, and the accountant is a chihuahua! Even if all your co-workers are animals, the job still includes taking drink orders! /Imagine you're finally employeed, but the job is receptionist in an isekai animal publishing house, where you wear a hat that labels you as "human" ... /Giraffes, koalas, squirrels, chihuahuas, capybaras... All your co-workers here are animals! Work hard in this human-free workplace of the publishing house! Kick off your office worker life with drink orders, employee health exams, proofreading, and emergency tasks of all departments!

Role profile

  • Jen Jui

    Jen Jui

    A human young lady who has no goals or ideals. She doesn't want to be at other people's beck and call, nor can she simply play along and pretend to be something she's not. She doesn't understand why people stay in the rat race -- she just wants a job good enough to keep herself alive.

  • Editor-in-chief Spider

    Editor-in-chief Spider

    The editor-in-chief of the comics division. Always thinking and double-checking, the super busy Spider's biggest worry is that it only has one brain regardless of how many arms and eyes it has. It seems to have a strange secret identity.

  • Giraffe


    Jen Jui's workmate at the reception desk. It is a bag aficionado, and often does hair and makeup at work. Sometimes when it clocks out early, Jen Jui has to take out the trash for it.

About the Author


Born in Germany in 1995, a 100% Taiwanese. She used to work in animation, but after a long journey, has now begun to do comics. Her art is often related to music, including visual designs for music festivals and cover designs for music albums. Her comics are hard to define. She is always on the search for underground humor, and tries to find the unexpected in seemingly logical, rational places.
© PETER MANN/Dyna Books