My Working Holiday in a Japanese Kindergarten (我被幼稚園錄取了)

“If I'm rejected again, it's definitely rigged!”
Despite Ebi's confidence, her first application for a working holiday in Japan was rejected…. Yet this failure ultimately resulted in the most wonderful life experience.


Ebi grew up loving Japanese culture, anime, and manga, and she enjoys sharing her life by making art. After university, she started working at a video game company. Just as she settled into a routine, her company started downsizing. During this confusing time, she came across a Japanese song that made her decide to apply for a Japanese working holiday!

After doing a long period of preparation, Ebi confidently sent out her application, yet she was rejected. Though disappointed, Ebi didn't give up on her dream. While waiting to reapply, she found a part-time job that allowed her to connect with Japanese people frequently and practice Japanese conversation.

Finally – heaven helps those who help themselves! Ebi was accepted on her second attempt and qualified for a Japanese working holiday. She happened to discover an opening for a kindergarten and was fortunately hired after an interview. Excited and nervous, she set off for Japan. When Ebi arrived at the kindergarten, she was welcomed by a little boy holding a live chicken. What interesting adventures lie ahead for Ebi?

Role profile

  • Ebi


    Ebi has always loved drawing and is deeply influenced by Japanese culture. In the face of a company downsizing crisis, she was inspired by a song and instantly made up her mind for a working holiday in Japan. She is a proactive person and full of life.

  • Kana


    Kana works in the same kindergarten as Ebi. She helped Ebi and other applicants through the interview process. She is extremely enthusiastic and cheerful.

About the Author


Kaohsiung local. Since she started the Facebook fan page “Painting My Life,” she has shared many interesting stories with her readers. Her cutesy art style and comedic, heart-warming, yet thought-provoking stories have brought her lots of loyal fans.

She is the author of My Working Holiday in a Japanese Kindergarten and My Working Holiday in a Japanese Ski Resort.

© 畫說日常、台灣角川