A Pact between Souls (靈魂的約定)

Latok Studio(海葡萄工作室)
Adapted from the story A Pact between Souls, by popular writer Hsu Tzu. Serialized on many comic platforms including CCC and MYRICS.
After an accident, Hsia Cha switched bodies with his grandson, Hsia Tse Fang. This is a story about how to do the right thing when the soul of a 59-year-old man is stuck in the body of a 17-year-old young man.


Days before his 60th birthday, Hsia Cha and his grandson Hsia Tse Fang get involved in a train accident which results in a Freaky Friday situation. To give Tse Fang his youthful body back, Hsia Cha pleads with Yeh Hai Yuan, the kid next door, to help him figure outwhere Tse Fang's soul has gone. Though it's an unbelievable situation, Hai Yuan chooses to trust the neighbor kid who insists on being called by his granddad's name. As their budding friendship grows, Hai Yuan begins relying on Cha's companionship and decides that he might feel something more than friendship. Yet, Hsia Cha suddenly senses on his fingers a red thread of fate that links him to his soulmate, leading him to believe that the body switch was not an accident, but the last opportunity for him to fulfill his side of a pact with his wife, Yu Chan.

Role profile

  • Hsia-Cha


    Un grand-père de 60 ans, au tempérament facile et affectueux, pour qui les valeurs familiales sont importantes. Depuis que lui et son petit-fils Hsia Ze-Fang ont accidentellement échangé leurs âmes, il fait tout ce qu'il peut pour retrouver celle de son petit-fils.

  • Yeh Hai-Yuan

    Yeh Hai-Yuan

    Il est d'un caractère calme et même un peu froid. Mais après avoir passé des nuits et des jours aux côtés de Hsia-Cha, il a appris à le connaître et se laisse peu à peu attendrir par l'affection que lui témoigne ce dernier. Il finit même par éprouver une certaine attirance envers lui.

About the Author

Latok Studio(海葡萄工作室)

When we read about the latok's ability to "endure dark and gloomy weather," we decided that this plant is a perfect symbol for our belief in artistic perserverance and passion.
《靈魂的約定》© Latok工作室/威向文化